advertorial writing, author, band biogs, brochures, business to business copywriting, copywriting, creative concepts, creative consultancy, design, direct mail, editing, editorial, event management, freelance copywriters, freelance writers, ghost writing, leaflets, letter writing, music composition, music director, music production, newsletters, press ad copywriting, press releases, proof reading, radio ads, sales promotion copywriting, video scripts, website copywriting, writing services /
I’m a writer, musician, film-maker and music promoter. Which means I do lots and lots of different but increasingly interrelated stuff – on a day-to-day freelance basis as well as longer term contacts.
There’s copywriting across all media and marketing disciplines (SEARCH ‘COPYWRITING/CREATIVE DIRECTION TO FIND EXAMPLES) for lots of different commercial and charity/governmental clients for more than 20 years… There’s editing/proofreading of publishers’ fiction and non-fiction manuscripts…(SEARCH ‘BOOKS’ FOR EXAMPLES) There’s screenwriting and film projects (SEARCH ‘FILM’), novel and ghost writing (SEARCH ‘BOOKS’) … And finally there’s a range of live music events and festivals (SEARCH LIVE EVENTS), mostly working with young people through local authorities and youth organisations – and these involve pretty much all the other stuff I do. The posts here are just some of my more recent projects.
EMAIL ME AT: kev@kevsaunders.co.uk or call 07773845679 and I’ll tell you more!
Two newsletters so far, briefed by Donna Lambert at Lamb to Slaughter. Like doing these because I get to wax lyrical and go way over the top on the purple prose!
Hoxley and Porter Newsletter 1 draft 2 FOR BLOG
Press release for Lamb to Slaughter about this festival featuring London’s best street chefs… On a boat!300513 RIVERBOAT FOOD FEST press release
Cool Dalston restaurant – hard to write about because it’s genuinely unique!THE WHITE RABBIT
PSYCHIC BURGER – Wrote this press release for the launch of this pop-up restaurant at Birthdays rock venue in Dalston for Lamb to SlaughterPSYCHIC BURGER press release
A complete website re-write involving interviews with all the key stakeholders, interpreting a diverse range of styles and philosophies into a simple, cohesive whole.
This isn’t a new bit of work – but I’ve just discovered it on my back-up disk and found I still like the words! Back in 2007/8 French hotel group Mercure (part of Accor) asked me and my creative partner Simon Milner to write and design the brochures, press advertising and in-house materials for the launch of Mercure’s family of 27 Uk hotels. As well as writing a DL leaflet for all 27 of them within a week, I wrote more detailed brochures in which I waxed lyrical about their flagship locations – such as St Pauls in Sheffield.
Here’s a selection (CLICK ‘READ MORE’ TO SEE THE WORDS!):

Another old piece of work unearthed from an ancient hard disk. If it looks vaguely familiar that’s because this project was the idea on which Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett based their virtual band Gorillaz. Hence the court case referred to below! CLICK ON THE THUMBNAILS TO SEE THEM FULL SIZE!
Further archaeology’s also revealed this ancient treasure! A brochure and press ad campaign launching the world’s greatest computer games company in Japan. This was designed by Simon Milner and written by yours truly in our former incarnation as Saunders Milner Ltd (AKA The Digital Arsonists). No legible copy on these examples (what is there is in Japanese!) but I’ll be adding the text after more digging. In the meantime, here’s what we said at the time about it:
‘Electronic Arts are the world’s biggest computer gaming company. Ironically, they have never been prominent in Japan – the home of most of the technology. So they needed a powerful marketing weapon with which to invade a highly competitive market. In designing this corporate brochure we made full made use of the characters, multiple language translations and sheer energy of the game brands we’d worked with before – as well as writing the English copy for translation into Japanese. Early reports suggest that the brochure kicked proverbial ass right up the Pacific Rim.’

Electronic Arts - Launch Brochure for Japan

Electronic Arts - Launch Brochure for Japan - spread 2
I recently wrote the copy for this McDonalds Facebook app, together with all the instore and online pre-promotional and launch materials.